Program No. 1: Each student receives TWO letters; they may purchase one or both letters**. one letter is the same grade (program #3). The other letter matches the student from the remaining grades. There are no duplication of matches on the two printouts. **I often refer to the printouts as letters because they are similar.
WE RECOMMEND PROGRAM #1. Students like Program 1 because they have a choice of programs. Organizations like Program 1 because they make more money. PARTICULARLY RECOMMENDED WHEN YOU SEND US 40 OR MORE ANSWER SHEETS PER GRADE.
COSTS: Your cost is 80 cents for each printout that you sell. YOU MAY SELECT ANY QUESTIONNAIRE WITH PROGRAM #1
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Program No. 2: Each student receives ONE letter. Girls are matched with boys two grades above them, their same grade and one grade below them. Boys are matched with girls two grades below them, their same grade and one grade above them.
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Program No. 3: Each student receives ONE letter. We will match students with students of the opposite sex FROM THEIR GRADE. Seniors are matched with seniors, juniors with juniors and so on.
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Program No. 4: Each student receives ONE letter. We will match student with all other students of the opposite sex regardless of grade.
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COSTS: With programs #2, 3, or 4 (one printout for each student) your cost is 85 cents for each printout that you sell.
BONUS: 10% DISCOUNT when you mail (postmark) your sheets to us on or before January 17 or after February 14. Attach the discount coupon on page 1 of your packet to your process form or mention the discount at bottom of process form.
C: Decide if you want us to print the "THREE LEAST COMPATIBLE MATCHES" at the bottom of each student's printout. We
recommend this; it will increase your sales and there is no cost.
D: Decide if you want us to print the "THREE BEST FRIENDS MATCHES" (same sex) at the bottom of each student's printout.
We recommend this; it will increase your sales and there is no cost.
E: Decide if you want us to print the "THREE RANDOM MATCHES" at the bottom of each student's printout. We
recommend this; it will increase your sales and there is no costarea
F: Decide if you want the name of your organization printed at the bottom of each sheet.
G: You have a choice of printout styles. All printouts are on 8 1/2 x 11 sheets of paper. The traditional printout has attractive
hearts and cupids. If you prefer we can print on plain paper (any color of paper that you would prefer).
H: Decide how many matches each student should receive. You may choose 3 to 15 matches on each sheet depending upon the size
of your school (10 matches are most common). We recommend 5 or 7 matches for small schools.
I: Decide if you want to use student's telephone numbers (we do not recommend) or homeroom numbers on printouts.
J: Decide if teachers can participates with students OR only with other teachers. SOMETIMES TEACHERS WILL USE FAKE
NAMES such as: Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Mr. K, Mr. Zorro, etc. (Students usually get a kick out of this).
K: Decide if you want to offer the "Heart-to-Heart" questionnaire for couples and/or adults. This should be advertised
separately and couples should fill out these questionnaires during lunch hours or before/after school. Note the Heart-to
Heart questionnaire is #4 in High School packets. Our charge is $2 for each couple; we recommend that you charge $4 (these
are not free for teachers) . Each couple receives two 3-page print-outs describing where they are compatible, where they are not
compatible and their rate of compatibility. Also, there are recommendations for discussing the areas of non-compatibility.
Please staple couples' two answer sheets together.
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E-MAIL US AT: Joe@Computer-Fun.Com
OR CALL US AT (614) 973-9165 or (740) 830-6715.